Mercury has begun its elongation journey and will continue until the 24th of this month.
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The AlOjeiri Scientific Center announced that the planet Mercury has begun its elongation journey starting today, Sunday, reaching its farthest distance from the Sun on March 24th of this month. The center stated in a press release that "Mercury," the smallest planet in our solar system, will be at its farthest distance from the Sun in the evening sky. The center mentioned that this phenomenon is one of the important astronomical events because it provides a great opportunity to observe and see the planet Mercury from the Earth's surface for the longest period in the evening sky above the western horizon after sunset, as the sunlight often obscures the planet Mercury most days of the year due to its proximity to the Sun's orbit. It added that the last time Mercury reached its maximum elongation with the Sun above the western horizon was on Thursday, August 10, 2023, while it will reach it again on Sunday, March 24th of this year. It explained that elongation is defined as the maximum angle between the center of the Sun and the center of the planet as observed from the Earth's surface. It further stated that observers and enthusiasts in Kuwait will be able to observe and see the planet Mercury using a small telescope, as its period in the sky until its setting is the longest possible period.