About Us
- Calculating the astronomical calendar, timings, and lunar phases.
- Publishing astronomical calendars in print and electronic formats.
- Providing scientific consultations in the field of astronomy and space.
- Organizing astronomical conferences and scientific events.

Creating a nurturing environment for astronomical creativity
and the development of sciences in the State of Kuwait.

- Preserving the history of astronomy in Kuwait and developing it.
- Developing the calendar and astronomical calculations.
- Becoming a scientific reference in the field of astronomy and space.

The astronomer Dr. Saleh Mohammed Al-Ojeiri is closely associated with the field of astronomy and is considered the founder of astronomy in Kuwait and the region. His calendar, which was first attempted in 1938, is the main scientific reference for other calendars due to the wealth of scientific experiences it encompasses.
Al-Ojeiri's astronomical calculations have received generous support and appreciation from the state, making it the official calendar of Kuwait. It is the approved method for calculating years, timings, lunar months, and astronomical phenomena. This type of calculation has been distinguished and recognized by experts in the Arab and Islamic worlds.
In our belief in the necessity of keeping up with progress and continuous development, the Al-Ojeiri Scientific Center supervises all calendar editions and continuously improves them to reflect the present reality and the passage of time, incorporating new additions to make the calendar comprehensive and complete.
Executive Director
Yusef Jamal Saleh AlOjeiri